7M11401 Social Work

Name of the educational program

7M11401 Social Work

Field of education

7M11 Services 

Direction of personnel training

7M114 Social work

Group of educational programs

M146 Social work

EP purpose

Ensuring the fundamental scientific and practical training for the social work specialists with theoretical and applied knowledge to ensure their professional suitability, competitiveness and willingness to deal professionally with the problems of organizing of preventive activities, developing of a healthy lifestyle with decent conditions for human life in society.

Language of education

russian, kazakh, english

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

  1. Conduct research in the field of social work based on the assessment of its methods and technologies using a practice-oriented model, transdisciplinary directions and techniques
  2. Conduct diagnostic observations on the basis of socio-psychological and pedagogical aspects of interaction with the client
  3. To provide consulting services aimed to mobilizing the client's supporting resources
  4. To carry out preventive work on the problems of various kinds of addictions, formation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle
  5. Develop rehabilitation and socio-psychological support programs for people in difficult life situations
  6. Assist in the implementation of mediation work with government authorities and conducting organizational, managerial and administrative work in the field of social policy, social protection of the population
  7. Provide assistance to the client in providing benefits, compensation, pensions, targeted social assistance on the basis of legislative and regulatory documents regulating the specifics of their difficult life situation
  8. Control social services and their activity processes using management in social work
  9. Draw up supporting documents for clients using state standards in the field of of office management
  10. Develop educational programs, projects within the educational institution and be prepared for practical research, psychological and pedagogical activities
  11. Develop methodological support for academic disciplines in the field of social work and conduct theoretical and practical classes using multimedia and innovative technologies
  12. To use the personal qualities necessary for communicating with clients, applying teamwork skills, observing the moral and ethical principles of the Social Workers Code, by taking high civil position in relation to the client

