7M01101 Pedagogics and Psychology

Name of the educational program

7M01101 Pedagogics and Psychology

Field of education

7M01 Pedagogical Sciences

Direction of personnel training

7M011 Pedagogy and psychology

Group of educational programs

M001 Pedagogy and psychology

EP purpose

The purpose of the Educational program is a high-quality training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for education and the scientific sphere, who are capable of designing and conducting professional psychological and pedagogical activities at a high level, solving scientific and psychological and pedagogical problems of personal development based on proficiency in methodology, deep psychological and pedagogical knowledge and modern technology education, provide psychological and pedagogical research and support for children and adults.

The implementation of the educational program is aimed at the develop of a professional personality of a specialist capable of:

- interpret and summarize the deep modern knowledge of the latest theories in the field of pedagogy and psychology;

- independently carry out psychological and pedagogical scientific research, integrate the knowledge of related scientific fields in the context of their own scientific research, interpret the results of their own scientific research and communicate them both to specialists and non-specialists;

--to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process on the basis of classical and innovative strategies and teaching methods of psychological and pedagogical disciplines;

- to evaluate and improve psychological and pedagogical activities in the diagnosis, prevention, counseling of the individual in education, as well as to analyze the activities of psychological services in educational institutions;

- to build their own program for further training and research activities.

Language of education

russian, kazakh

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

  1. analyze and creatively use the historical and philosophical knowledge of the development of science, the principles of organizing scientific research, ways to achieve and build scientific knowledge; 
  2. to compare and evaluate the principles of educational policy of Kazakhstan and countries of the world to identify strategies and values and design recommendations for innovations in education;
  3. to design and implement the pedagogical process at the university based on the knowledge of didactics and the theory of higher education in the context of the credit system technology of education, DER, MOOCs to search for new approaches and methods to effectively solve professional problems in the field of training and education;
  4. analyze and creatively apply innovative and art methods in education for personal development, strategies, teaching methods of training, technologies DET, structure the content of pedagogy and psychology when teaching in colleges and universities;
  5. analyze educational, upbringing, research situations based on cultural-historical and activity psychology and design teaching and research activities with their account, use modern principles of synergy, integration of scientific results;
  6. to develop a diagnostic study and design, apply psycho-correction and psychotherapy programs in education for the development of a person’s personality based on in-depth knowledge of modern concepts and theories, improve the performance of psychological services in educational organizations;
  7. manage the educational process at the university on the basis of theories of management psychology, design an educational environment with regard to inclusive and exclusive education, digitalization of training and staying healthy;
  8. design effective quality management systems of educational institutions, its monitoring and organization management including using of ICT;
  9. analyze and apply the technologies of NLP, androgogic and counseling in the development of the personality and the educational system as a whole, based on the knowledge of their patterns, interconnections, values;
  10. study and apply new research methods, a system of methodological principles and methodological techniques in psychological and pedagogical research to obtain scientifically based results;
  11. to conduct research in the field of education, put forward new models, systems for development and evaluate the results of psychological and pedagogical research using modern approaches and put forward conclusions and suggestions for applied applications;
  12. to build their own program of further education and research activities, critically evaluate and synthesize scientific and pedagogical information; Communicate in the international community, demonstrate and discuss their scientific achievements

