8D01801 Social pedagogics and self-cognition

Name of the educational program

8D01801 Social pedagogics and self-cognition

Field of education

8D01 Pedagogical Sciences

Direction of personnel training

8D018 Training in social pedagogy and self-knowledge

Group of educational programs

D020 Training in social pedagogy and self-knowledge

EP purpose

The purpose of the educational program is the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with higher qualification, who have fundamental knowledge in the field of methodology, theory and practice of social pedagogical activity and self- cognition training; who is able to conduct an analysis of social and pedagogical phenomena and processes, trends in the development of social pedagogy as a scientific and academic discipline, self-cognition as the basis of the spiritual and moral personality of students; who is owning the methodology for developing projects of basic and applied research; owning the technology of professional and personal self-development.

The program is aimed at the formation of a professional personality specialist who is able to:

- systematize and interpret scientific theories and concepts of Social Pedagogy and Self- cognition in order to further apply this knowledge in the implementation of the dissertation research;

- show scientific and pedagogical potential in the field of social and pedagogical activity in educational and educational organizations of various types;

- carry out independent scientific research on the basis of material adequate to the object of study, the choice of methodology with a projection on the development of promising new areas of pedagogical science;

- show professional skills of examination, assessment and management in the field of education, contributing to the improvement of the quality of education, to the teaching of the courses “Self- cognition”, “Social pedagogy” and other pedagogical disciplines at the university.

Language of education

russian, kazakh

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

  1. scientifically analyze socially significant problems and processes, make meaningful conclusions and generalizations, select methods of scientific research to complete his doctoral dissertation;
  2. develop theoretical concepts in social pedagogy and self- cognition and determine applied tasks or theoretical questions of practical orientation for organizing and conducting a social-pedagogical experiment;
  3. analyze, compare various socio-pedagogical concepts and evaluate their effectiveness from the position of globalization trends and competitiveness of the national education model;
  4. conceptualize, develop and implement projects to create new knowledge or practical applications in topical areas of socio-pedagogical science and the ability to adapt projects in the light of unforeseen problem situations that arise;
  5. quantitatively and qualitatively assess socio-pedagogical processes and phenomena, demonstrate the application of knowledge of mathematical and static research methods in the field of social pedagogy and self-knowledge;
  6. use a competence-based approach to the definition of goals, objectives and technologies of social and pedagogical education, apply active, interactive, and innovative training technologies in the process of teaching pedagogy, social pedagogy and self-knowledge;
  7. carry out psychological, social and pedagogical diagnostics and choose rationally optimal forms, methods, methodologies, means of training and education, creatively solve problematic social and pedagogical tasks;
  8. define the mission and goals of the organization; analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the educational organization in a competitive environment, develop on this basis a development strategy and be able to organize its implementation;
  9. compare technologies and systems for ensuring the effectiveness of the educational system, to predict the parameters of the qualitative enhancement of programs and implement changes in the educational environment of a particular university, college or school;
  10. make qualified expert opinions on topical issues of social pedagogy and self-cognition -, to be able to lucidly express their ideas and conclusions, both for specialists and non-specialists;
  11. form the spiritual and moral position of the future teacher as an important factor in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation;
  12. generate their own new scientific ideas to communicate to the scientific community, implement continuous, systemic education, organize the implementation of educational programs, use the mechanisms of tolerant communication in the educational environment.

