Abstract submission

Abstracts will be published as a collection of conference materials. Abstracts should be prepared in English or Russian, in .doc or .docx format, volume - 1 page in accordance with the abstract template, and they will be accepted only through Registration before July 25, 2019

To prepare abstracts, use the following templates: template_eng in English and template_rus in Russian. 

Your abstract will be reviewed by the organizers. We anticipate that notification of your abstract acceptance or rejection will be made August 10, 2019, the accepted abstracts will be published on the congress website.

If you have questions concerning participation, please, do not hesitate to ask by e-mail: syrym.kasenov@gmail.com, laura-nurlan@mail.ru.

Abstract submission rules

Filling out forms and uploading files

Files are uploaded through the registration page for the upcoming international conference. Abstracts are reviewed. In case of questions from the organizing committee, an appropriate request will be sent to your mail.

 Abstracts formats are provided

Abstracts should be submitted by files: file from formats, *.doc, *.docx optionally.

 File names and their quantity

One participant can submit no more than two reports. The file name is formed as follows: surname of the speaker, underscore, and initials of the speaker. The file name is typed in small Latin letters and must match the name of the registered speaker.

Example of title: ivanov_aa.doc.

If the participant submits two reports, then the report number should be added to the file name under the underscore. (1 or 2).

Example of title: ivanov_aa_1.doc., ivanov_aa_2.doc.


Language - Russian and English.

The content of theses - no more than one page (including figures, formulas, tables, references, etc.).

The text should be typed in MS Word single-spaced;

Sheet format: 210 x 297 mm (A4);

Fields: top, bottom, right, left – 2 sm;

Article pages are not numbered;

Font: Times New Roman (for Russian and English languages), size - 12 pt;

line spacing - single;

first line indent – 0,5 sm.;

Drawings made in Word must be inserted as an object (grouped);

The title of the report, the authors, the name of the organization, e-mail are aligned in the center.

The main text is aligned to the width of the page.

References are aligned to the width of the page.

The word wrap in parts and page numbering are prohibited.

Use quotes «».

Abbreviations must be decrypted.

 Title of the report, authors, name of organization, e-mail

The title of the report is typed in the top lines of the document (in capital letters and in accordance with the above rules for the design of the text). Next in one line should be the name (initials - before the last name). The speaker is highlighted by underlining. The next line contains: the name of the organization, city, country and e-mail (faculties, departments, laboratories and other divisions of the organizations are not indicated) and are numbered with a superscript, which also supplies the names of the respective authors. Then one line of the abstract is typed in one line.


If the abstract contains pictures, then they must be with a resolution of at least 300 dpi in one of the formats *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp, *.pdf, *.eps. The size of the white frame around the picture should be minimal. The size of all image files - no more than 5 MB. The caption to the figure is made after the drawing on the new line with the indication of the number of the figure is centered on the center, for example: «Figure 1. Name». References to figures in the text are numbered in the following order, for example: «Figure 1». While describing the drawings should be aware that they will be printed in black and white.

 Formulas and notations

Formulas for formats * .doc, * .docx, are typed only in the built-in equation editor MS Equation.

The size of the symbols in the formulas (Equation): normal - 11 pt, large index - 6 pt, small - 5 pt, large symbol - 24, small - 4 pt;

Formulas in theses can not be inserted in the form of drawings. Formulas occupying a medium or large volume are placed in a separate line (without highlighting them with empty lines), centered and numbered in the order on the right side, for example: (1), (2), etc. The designations in the formulas should be explained.


Tables are inserted into the text and are marked with empty lines above (above the name) and below. Tables cannot be inserted as graphics. The name of the table should be placed above the table with indentation on the next line after the words «table 1». Tables in the text are numbered in the order, for example: «Table 1», etc. The designations and data in the tables should be explained.

 Project and gratitude

Links to projects supporting the study should be contained in a separate line with indention.



References to literary sources are given in the text by numbers in square brackets [1,2]. The cited literature is listed in a simple, numbered list with indentation in the last lines of the document.

 We urge you to adhere to these rules. Abstracts, decorated with a departure from the requirements will not be included in the book of abstracts.