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       On November 27, 2020, 2nd year students of the Korean Studies Department of the Far East Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University al-Farabi within the framework of the project "I believe in young!" held a cultural and educational event "Student life is an interesting life!", dedicated to the International Day of Students.

     During the event, students demonstrated prepared materials on the history of this significant date and exchanged views on the role of students in modern society. In addition, they shared their experience and interesting moments of the previous course, expressed warm wishes to each other.

     The cultural and educational event began, first of all, with the presentation of the 2nd year student of the specialty "Foreign Philology: Korean Language" Sovetova Nuraiym about the history of the Students' Day. She said that International Students' Day has a difficult and tragic start, like some other significant dates. The history of Students' Day began with the fact that Czech students took to the demonstration. Many demonstrators were arrested. 1200 students were detained and imprisoned in concentration camps in Sachsenhausen. By order of Hitler, all educational institutions in the Czech Republic were closed until the end of the war. So, in 1941, at the World Congress of Students in honor of Czech patriotic students in London, International Students Day was established. Nuraiym also noted that currently students all over the world at different levels celebrate this significant date, that this holiday unites students and makes student life brighter and more significant.

Bolatova Ainur, in turn, with the aim of raising the mood of her classmates, made a selection of the most interesting facts about students and universities. For example, she said that the longest cheat sheet is 600 m, on which students work 16 hours, that there is a special "cry" among students that this method is especially invaluable during a session and that it helps to relieve stress. Thanks to such interesting details, the event has become even more colorful and fun.

          Zholdasbay Aisha, having read her poem about a difficult but happy student life, presented her classmates with a pleasant gift. The students shared their opinions that, despite the forced online education due to the pandemic, they try to spend their time with benefit and interest.

          The advisor of the group, congratulating the students on the holiday and summing up the results of the event, added that students are the most special group of youth, always occupying an active position and having their significant place in society, the student time is a precious period filled with creative ideas, and also use to express yourself and improve.