Seminar "Scientific organization of educational process"


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The Department of Biomedical Statistics and Evidence Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of KazNU named after al-Farabi from December 6-15, 2017 holds a seminar on the theme "Scientific organization of the educational process" for researchers, faculty, young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates, residents.

The seminar's speaker is Meyrmanov Serik Kasymkhanovich, associate professor of the Asia-Pacific University (Beppu, Japan), International consultant for technical assistance in assessing the potential of mammological services at various levels of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan, international coordinator of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This professor monthly conducts scientific seminars, develops scientific projects for the Japan Foundation.

Location: Almaty, pr-al-Farabi, 71, Medical Faculty of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, the audience 1.

Time: 14: 00-19: 00.