
Student Discussion Club "POLITOLOG" conducts


Graduates of the master's degree in the specialty "6M050200-Political Science" and the Student Discussion Club "POLITOLOG" hold the Intellectual Tournament "Modernization of Public Consciousness and Student Youth" within the framework of "Ruhani zharyro".
Date and place: December 11, 2017. at 15-00 o'clock, FPiP, Masanchi st., 39/47, room.123.
Responsible: associate professor Saitova NA, senior teacher Kamaldinova AA


"Dialogue of cultures"


Department of General and Applied Psychology in the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr" held an educational event on the theme: "Dialogue of cultures"


"Unforgettable December victims - Eagles of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan".


December 6, 2017 at 14.00 students of the third year of the specialty "Political Science" under the leadership of acting. Assistant Professor of the Department of Political Science and Political Technology., Ph.D. Omarzazy E.E. hold an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 31st anniversary of the December events that took place in 1986 in the KazSSR on the theme: "Yesimderi ұmytylmas yellow-tan құрбандары - ҚР Туулсіздігінің қырандары".
Venue: Building FMO, classroom no. 338.
Organizer: E.E. Omarғazy is a doctor of medical sciences, acting. associate professor of the department of political science and political technology of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.


in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhanyrou"


On the eve of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and within the framework of the "Ruhani zharyrou" program, the first year students of the specialty "Political Science" under the guidance of Professor G.Abdigaliyeva hold a round table on the topic: "Ruhani zharudyң kepil-latin әlіpbіine koshu".
Date and place: November 30, 2017, at 12:00, in the 119th audience, the corpus of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU named after al-Farabi.


Boarding school № 6


Jointly with the students of the second year of the faculty "Geography and Nature Management" specialty "Land Management" was visited the specialized boarding school No. 6 for children with intellectual disabilities. 


The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Dear teachers and students!
11/28/2017 at 09:00 hours under the leadership of the acting President. senior lecturer, candidate of political sciences Omargazy E students of the second course of specialty "Journalism" in honor of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts an open lesson and video presentation presentation on "Elbasy: constructive politics, lifestyle"
Entrance free for all comers
Location: Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Faculty of Journalism, 2nd floor, classroom 220