"Dialogue of cultures"


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Venue: Faculty of Oriental studies, audience 535-537, Karasay batyra 95.

Time of event: 7 Dec 2017 18:00 – 18:50.

Organizers: lecturer of Department of General and Applied Psychology, Satybaldina N.K. and Master Degree students of the 1st course. Specialties: Turkic Philology, Foreign Philology, Oriental studies, international relations.

Theme: Dialogue of cultures

The purpose of the event:

educational: to acquaint students with the basic definitions of culture and the importance of dialogue for the existence and development of culture. Consider aspects of culture of Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Kyrgyz ethnic groups.

developing: to develop the ability of students to analyze and compare cultures.

educational: to educate students in the spirit of international cooperation, respect for different cultures.

Materials: presentations of the Master degree students about different cultures, posters, illustrations, methodological literature. Form of existence of culture is the dialogue of cultures.

The event:

Organizational moment:

Master degree students of the 1st course welcome all participants and guests of the event. A survey of students, whether they know about the dialogue of cultures.

The introduction.

The teacher started from the message about the theme and purpose of the event. The introductory word with basic information about the dialogue of cultures was told by the teacher.

The main part

Dialogue of cultures is a form of existence of culture. Culture exists and develops at the expense of national traditions. There are Russian, Chinese, American and other cultures. Dialogue, interaction, preservation of the originality - are important In the modern world for the existence and development of culture.

For a successful dialogue of cultures the following conditions are necessary: they must be open to each other and must respect the principle of equality and respect cultures of each other.

According to the philosopher M. M. Bakhtin, for a better understanding of own culture people should communicate with other people from other cultures, overcoming one-sidedness.4

Students made presentations on culture and traditions of different countries.

The students showed the presentations.