Tolerance - the universal principle of peace and harmony among people


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More than 130 nationalities live in Kazakhstan and for many years a special model of interethnic behavior based on tolerance has been developed in our Republic. An educational event organized by the teacher of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Satybaldina N.K., and undergraduates of the 1st year of specialties such as: world economy, regional studies, international law and translation studies was devoted to the investigation of this problem, on the topic of "Tolerance - the universal principle of peace and harmony among people" within the framework of the "Ainalady nyrlandyr" project at the Faculty of International Relations of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi on November, 30 at 16:00 in room 303.

The Graduate students from China and Tajikistan participated in the event. They noted the high level of interethnic tolerance in the Republic of Kazakhstan which is caused by the great merits of the Kazakh people.

The theme of the day was the disclosure of the concept of "tolerance", considered the types of tolerance in psychology, the pros and cons of tolerance, the differences of tolerance from forbearance, the manifestation of tolerance in Kazakhstan. Teacher, Satybaldina N.K., asked questions, while the undergraduates organized a discussion. They also prepared a presentation on the main directions of the development of tolerance in Kazakhstan. It emphasizes that the idea of ​​interethnic tolerance has been successfully realized in the Republic of Kazakhstan nowadays, where representatives of over 140 ethnic groups belonging to 17 religious denominations live in harmony and stability. The undergraduates told that a model of interethnic tolerance and public consent of President N.Nazarbayev was well developed in Kazakhstan. The presentation of the model was carried out in the OSCE, as well as in the UN. The undergraduates also noted that a special training course "Kazakhstan Model of Interethnic Tolerance and Public Accord" was introduced to students of Russian universities at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov M.V.

Speaking about tolerance in Kazakhstan, undergraduates noted that the Kazakhstan’s government is making determined efforts to strengthen civil peace and interethnic harmony as important factors of social stability. During the event, the undergraduates actively discussed the nationwide idea based on Kazakhstani patriotism and interethnic harmony, as well as on strengthening the unity of the people of Kazakhstan and tolerance within the society.

The undergraduates also noted that among the achievements of our country, one of the main places is interethnic and interconfessional accord and unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

During the event the undergraduates decorated the audience with balloons, posters and colorful illustrations.

The event was held at a high level with the participation of foreign students from China and Tajikistan. The events has international characteristics.