One of the state universities in Poland - Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in Poznan on February 6-7, 2020 hosted the international conference EUROPA XXI WIEKU (21st century Europe). The international conference was attended by prominent scientists, politicians, lawyers, journalists interested in the problems of Europe and the European Union, as well as in issues of cooperation and interaction between states in modern conditions.
The international conference has become a platform for the presentation and discussion of scientific research on contemporary problems of the old continent, including existing and expected phenomena and processes that determine its further development. It became a platform for considering new threats that appeared in the context of globalization of economies and new challenges in the international arena, as well as a place for the exchange of experience and knowledge between scientists from different countries. Scientists from the USA and EU countries (Poland, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, etc.), as well as Ukraine, Belarus, took part in this event. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other states.
At the invitation of the UAM management, Zabikh Sholpan Arapbaykyzy (Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Labor Law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), who has extensive practical experience in the field of jurisprudence, took part in this international conference.

During the anniversary 20th conference “Europe of the 21st Century” the following were discussed: internal and external political, economic, legal, social, cultural and other factors that determine the development of Europe and the EU; sources and intensity of processes affecting the effectiveness of integration and the quality of social life in its various dimensions, including migration, security in the region, climate threats and others. Threats to the development of Europe, in particular the EU, arising in its environment, including the Middle East, North Africa, the territory of post-Soviet states. The importance of EU cooperation with the USA, Canada, Russia, the states of Central Asia and post-Soviet states, as well as with China, Turkey and Iran to provide conditions for development. One of the important issues was the issue aimed at changing the EU legal and institutional system.

For the first time in the framework of this international conference, a separate panel was presented for the Republic of Kazakhstan and scientists from the University of KazNU named after al-Farabi, in the framework of which the Doctor of Law Zabikh Sholpan Arapbaykyzy with a report on the topic: “International experience in the legal provision of information security and the possibilities for its application in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The relevance of the topic and its presentation aroused wide interest among the conference participants, therefore, many important questions were raised regarding the legal sphere, to which comprehensive answers were provided during the discussion of the topic.


Publication date :  2/18/2020