The event “President is heart of people” in the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr" and the state program "Spiritual revival"

1 December 2017 there was held on concert event " President is heart of people" dedicated to the Day of first President of Kazakhstan, with the participation of Kazakh pop stars . The day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated since December 1, 2012. Five years of celebrating the Day of the First President, was a special date in a series of public holidays, bringing up the young generation patriotism, leadership qualities, confidence in the future and the desire to create. The event aimed at strengthening in consciousness of youth of Kazakhstan the main values of Independence, unity of people, peace and accord in the society, and the role of the Leader of the Nation in the formation and strengthening of our state. The theme of the event and the concert reflected the main idea of "Spiritual revival" aimed at young people, touched upon the anniversary theme next year – the 20th anniversary of Astana, and also created the Patriotic holiday spirit.

Place: Khalyk arena, Almaty, Kuljinskiy track , 2D

Date and time: 11:00, 1st December , 2017

Organizers: Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Kurmanalieva AD, Professors of Department Gabitov T.Kh, Abisheva A.K. 2nd-year master student Baskynbayeva N.K.

Publication date :  12/14/2017