Nyrly Zhol – The Path to the Future

2014 on 26th November was passed a round table in which took part the students of group МКМ-13-1а.The theme of a round table – discussion of basic provisions of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev «Нұрлы Жол - болашаққа бастайтын жол». During discussion the special attention was paid to the important problems which were specified in the Message which in the future need to be accepted as the main direction, and also it was said that really the Message is the new fundamental instrument of development of an economy of Kazakhstan in which specified objectives to action are accurately designated. Thus on its realization in all spheres of activity of the country the youth has to conduct the main and powerful contribution. Youth are the future of Kazakhstan.

The organizer of a round table: advisors Karymsakova N.T.

Publication date :  2/27/2015