Achievements of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling in the competition of amateur performances "Студенттік көктем-2021"

 In the competition of amateur performances "Студенттік көктем-2021" in the nomination "Жалынды жастар" the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is awarded.


 Students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics are awarded for 1st place in the competition of amateur performances "Студенттік көктем-2021".

 In the competition of amateur performances "Студенттік көктем-2021" for the nomination "Жалынды жастар" 5 students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics were awarded vouchers to the Charyn Gorge.

 We thank the student dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Aripov Abzal for organizing the competition of amateur performances "Студенттік көктем-2021" at a high level in the online format.

Publication date :  5/13/2021