Drama "Tansulu"

On the 21st of October we went to the theater of Auezov. We have been trained in the drama "Tansulu" by Prof. Dr. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Garifol Esim. Plennaya, Tansulu prekan svoi love and saves her own pompomstvo. And he will give birth to a son of man, and he will come to his end. Tansulu is a hero of history. The legend tells the girls in the heroism. The play is dedicated to the sacred song Tansulu. Do not worry, how many years have you been in science, no one, no one has ever been a human being, and you know what you think. Just say a prognosis. Krasavitsa Tansuli has been looking for his own life for decades, and this has been a fear. The legend about the scenery starts here. With one of the chapters, Tansulu is a symbol of the Great Steppe, a symbol of loyalty and fertility. The main heroine is Tarsulu, we have the character and friendliness of the Kazakh girl. Another word, in the play is protected by the "national code". It means the language, tradition, history. It is precisely in history or in the history of historical and cultural relations between Kazakh and Kalmykii narodnii. The scenes of the theater are many remarkable stories of heroic life, patriotic-patriotic feelings, self-regulated works, historic-epic temples, non-believer prayers and needs of the new nation. When we came to the theater and watched the play, we realized that here you can get spiritual well-being, relaxation and a lot of knowledge about our history.

Publication date :  2/18/2019