Circle "Gulistan" celebrated the ancient Iranian holiday "Shab-i Yalda"


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On December 21, 2020, the faculty of Oriental studies of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Department of Middle East and South Asia "Gulistan" circle celebrated the holiday "Shab-I Yalda" of the Persian people, which dates back to ancient times. Shab-I Yalda corresponds to the longest night of the year, that is, December 21. According to the Iranian calendar, it is celebrated on the night from the last day of autumn (30th Azar) to the first day of winter (1st Dey). "Shab-I Yalda" means "night of the incarnation". The ancient Iranians knew perfectly well that after the longest night of the year, the day gradually lengthens. 

According to the Iranians, day is a time of goodness and light, and night is a time of evil and darkness. Therefore, on the longest night of the year, relatives, friends and neighbors gather to wish each other wishes, read Hafiz's gazelles, tell instructive stories. And also the table will be decorated with fruits, dried fruits and agil (fried pistachios, walnuts, almonds, peas and melon seeds). Watermelons and pomegranates are essential elements of the festive dastarkhan. This day is not an official holiday in Iran, but Iranians celebrate it widely.

The event, organized by the "Gulistan" circle, was attended by Mr. Majid Samadzada Saber, Iranian Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Iranian Consul General in Almaty Mukhsin Fagani, scholars from Iran, Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as teachers, students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia. In addition, teachers and students of the Persian language department of a number of universities in the country participated and shared their research on the ancient Iranian holiday and read Hafiz's gazelles. The Shab-i Yalda event was able to bring together scholars from several countries and became the reason for strengthening cultural and literary ties between students.