Culture of Healthy Nutrition


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18.02.2020 in the House of Students No. 14, the curator-adviser of the 2nd year students of the Department of Japanese Studies of the Department of the Far East held an event on the theme "Culture of Healthy Nutrition".

     As the famous ancient Greek healer Hippocrates said: "You are what you eat." The origin of many human diseases is directly related to the products that he consumes. As a result of a recent study of students' nutritional quality, it was revealed that many Kazakhstani students eat junk food. The initiator of the study of the daily food culture of modern students in Almaty was the "Aman-Saulyk" Public Fund. Students of universities and colleges, including students of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, took part in the study of nutrition. According to the results of the study, it was found that almost 40 percent of university students prefer to regularly eat fast food. When choosing food products for eating, the main emphasis is on taste components and lower cost than on quality and composition. Almost a third of students are not informed about the principles of healthy eating. The result of malnutrition of students can be considered their complaints about problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal diseases affect about 40 percent of university students.
       The curatorial hour was devoted to the formation of students' understanding of proper nutrition. Our physical health, life expectancy, and immunity are directly related to healthy eating. In order to avoid health problems in adulthood, you need to take care of this today.