The conference of the project «619011-epp-1-2020-1-kz-eppka2-cbhe-jp new courses in geospatial engineering for climate change adaptation of coastal ecosystems» (GEOCLIC)

On 17.03.2021, the online kick-off conference of the project «619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems» (GEOCLIC) under the EU ERASMUS+program was held, the grantholder of which is the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The project unites 17 organizations from seven countries and is related to the CBHE projects-Capacity Building in the field of higher education. More than 50 people attended the kick-off conference from the organizations of the GEOCLIC consortium. The representative of the National ERASMUS+ Office in Kazakhstan Aigul Myltykbaeva and the Director of the International Cooperation Department of KazNU Aizhan Smailova made a welcoming speech. The goals, objectives and expected results were discussed in the context of each of the project participants. The project coordinator, Head of the Department of Mechanics Zaure Rakisheva made a report on the project management.

The strategic goal of the project is to improve the ecosystem of the Caspian Sea.

The main goal: training of specialists in the field of ecology, coastal engineering, and management.

Activities carried out within the project framework: teacher training; innovative curricula; creation of GEOLAB and GEOCOF; pilot training; accreditation of curricula.

Expected results of the project: New/updated Bachelor's/Master's/doctoral degree programs in geospatial technologies and environmental monitoring of coastal ecosystems; GEOLAB and CVE as a modern learning environment for functions; Retraining of academic teachers; Masterclasses and pilot training on new/updated curricula in GEOLAB and CVE; advanced training courses in GEOCOF.

Members of the GEOCLIC consortium.

Program countries: Germany – Technical University of Berlin, EXOLAUNCH GmbH; Romania –Maritime University of Constanta; Lithuania –Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Netherlands – University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

Partner countries: Kazakhstan – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, Atyrau oil and gas university named after Safi Utebayev, PLC "Institute of Geography" of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Azerbaijan – Baku State University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Mingachevir State University, International Ecoenergy Academy; Turkmenistan – Turkmen Agriculture University named after S.A. Niyazov, Magtumguli Turkmen State University, International University for the Humanities and Development.

Dinara Turalina

Departman of mechanics

Publication date :  5/23/2021