Educational event on the KazNU named after al-Farabi museum

Now one of the most important priorities of modern education is spiritual and moral education of youth. The national culture transfers national identity of the people. It is rich material for education of love for the country. Ancient history the great people, their feats not only form love to traditions of the people, but also enrich knowledge of youth of surrounding life.Because of this, the evident and figurative thinking is peculiar to youth, it is necessary to use not only fiction, but  illustrations. It is important to acquaint students with real objects and materials.Thus, recently we have visited with students 2 course, faculty international the relation, departments of international law, MP51K group and Mp53k, the museum at Treasury of al-Farabi.

The purpose of action was: Formation at students of patriotic feelings, acquaintance to heritage of the Great thinker of the East, the philosopher Abu Nasyr al-Farabi to show the main historical periods of life and Great al-Farabi's creativity, his role in development of educational thought of the EAST, to transmit the middle age's atmosphere through charts and show-windows, also to acquaint students with the most considerable achievements in the history of a world civilization, one of which is-The Silk Way.

Process: The exposition consists of several sections, the section "Ancient Otyrar - a treasure of memory was the first of them. Young years al-Farabi" where students have obtained a lot of new information on young years of the Great thinker. The section represents a toast precisely high volume diorama which is visually recreating a picture - an image of this or that historical period, nearby in horizontal show-windows - copies of manuscripts, documents, the books and museum pieces  supplementing contents diara-we and the opening main idea. After students have visited the section under the name "On the Great Silk Way" brightly and convincingly telling about one of the most considerable achievements in the history of a world civilization which has connected for ages "links of a human chain" culture of the West and East. Following the section was "Al-Farabi's works - gold heritage of mankind. Al-Farabi and Thinkers of a turk life" al-Farabi devoted to invaluable creations in various areas natural and the humanities.

The diorama and show-windows of the following section are subordinated to a uniform plan "Spiritual heritage of al-Farabi and modern Kazakhstan". This section is a logical conclusion of an exposition and includes extensive documentary material about a social andcultural of modernization of modern Kazakhstan, development of the spiritual and scientific educational sphere, ensuring safety and effective use of cultural heritage of the country in the course of realization of a remarkable initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev - the State program ""Cultural heritage".

Students of 2 courses remained under deep impression as studying history from a school bench, they had a certain knowledge, however to see studied by eyes it was very fascinating for them. At the end, we with students have taken the general picture at a monument al-Farabi-the person who was the great thinker not only the people, but also the whole world.


Publication date :  3/20/2016