Provisions on the Olympiad in International Law


















































1.    General provisions


1.1   The Republican subject student Olympiad on the specialty - International Law (hereinafter – the Olympiad) is held in accordance with the Recommendations for organizing and holding the Republican subject Olympiad in the basic higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.2   The students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program (specialty) - International Law take part in the Olympiad. 

1.3   The main objectives of the Olympiad are:

-      stimulation of educational-cognitive and educational-research activity of students;

-      disclosure of the professional and personal potential of students, their self-consciousness, creative abilities, creation of conditions for self-realization and self-affirmation;

-   education of students' civic position;

-   selection and support of the most talented and gifted students.

1.4   Организатором Олимпиады является кафедра международного права факультета международных отношений Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби. The organizer of the Olympiad is the Department of International Law of the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

1.5   The form of holding the event – ONLINE.


2.   Participants of the Olympiad


2.1 Participants of the Olympiad may be students of higher educational institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - Participants).

2.2 To participate in the Olympiad, the institution of the Higher Educational Institution forms the list of participants from among 3-4 year students in the amount of no more than 3 people with knowledge of Kazakh, English and Russian languages. Each participant is required to have an identity document.

2.3 The Olympiad will be held in an individual format only. Team participation is not provided and is not evaluated!

2.4   Working languages of the Olympiad: Kazakh, English and Russian.


3.   Dates of the Olympiad


3.1 The Olympiad is held on April 30, 2022 at 10.00 am on the basis of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


4.   Procedure for holding the Olympiad


4.1 The procedure for organizing and holding the Olympiad is determined by the organizing committee of KazNU (hereinafter – Organizing Committee), the composition of which is formed from employees of KazNU.

4.2   Functions of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad:

-      determines the forms, terms and venues for the Olympiad in subjects;

-      coordinates with the administration of the university the cost estimate for the Olympiad, the schedule of events and the use of the classroom fund;

-      informs Higher Educational institutions about the Olympiad;

-      appoints the chairman of the competition commission (jury) of the Olympiad and forms the composition of the jury;

-      awards winners of the Olympiad;

-      submits an annual report on the results of the last Olympiad to the Scientific and Methodological Council of the University.

4.3 The composition of the competition committee of the Olympiad is formed from among the teaching staff of Al-Farabi KazNU, representatives of state authorities, international and other organizations.

4.4 The composition of the counting commission of the Olympiad is formed from teachers staff of KazNU in the amount of 2 people.

4.5 Situational cases for the Olympiad are compiled by external experts from among the partners of KazNU.

4.6   Online registration is a prerequisite for participation in the Olympiad.

Online registration link:

4.7 The Olympiad is held on two stages:

1)   the first stage is intra-university;

2)   the second stage - in basic higher education institutions.

4.8 Based on the results of the I stage of the Republican Olympiad (intra-university), the competitive commission of the university, on a competitive basis, selects and sends the best students of the university to participate in the II stage of the Olympiad.

4.9 Students of Al-Farabi KazNU do not take part in the Olympics.


5.  Final stage of the Olympiad


5.1 The first round is conducted in the form of testing in various branches of public international law. The language of the round is Kazakh. There are 20 test questions in total, each question has four possible answers. There is only one correct answer for each question.

Attention! Time to answer each question is limited. The maximum score for the first round is 100 points;

The second round provides for the solution of situational cases on private international law with the choice of the correct answers. The language of the round is Russian. There are 20 cases in total. Each case has four possible answers. Each question can have one, two or three correct answers.

Attention! Time to answer each question is limited. The maximum score for the second round is 100 points;

5.2 Participants who score at least 140 points according to the results of the first two rounds are admitted to the third round. At the same time, the Competition Commission reserves the right to determine the additional number of students admitted to the third round

5.3 The third round is held in the form of oral questions and answers on international law (1 question - 1 answer). The language of the round is English. Time to prepare for an answer - no more than 30 seconds, time for an answer - no more than 3 minutes. For a correct and complete answer, the participant receives 100 points. The Competition Committee, at its discretion, may award the participant a lower number of points in case of incomplete response. The commission has the right to ask clarifying questions.

On evaluating, the commission adheres to the following criteria:

1) knowledge of law; 2) application of law to facts; 3) resourcefulness and ability to answer questions; 4) style, demeanor, politeness and behavior; 5) the ability to manage time and organization.


6.   Summing up the results of the Olympiad


6.1 The final results of the Olympiad are summed up at the final meeting of the commission.

6.2 The announcement of the results of the Olympiad and the awarding of the winners takes place at the solemn event, which is held on April 30, 2022 upon completion of the work.

6.3 The decision of the commission of the base university to determine the winners of the II stage of the Olympiad is drawn up in the appropriate protocol, signed by all its members.

6.4   The winners of the Olympiad are awarded diplomas for I, II, III places.


6.5 The composition of the commission recommends that the winners be awarded in the following order: for 1st place - a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan I degree (no more than one student); for 2nd place - diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan II degree (no more than two students); for 3rd place - diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan III degree (no more than three students).

6.6 In case of an equal score at the end of the Olympiad among the participants of the Olympiad, the commission has the right to ask one additional question to each of them.

6.7 The decision of the commission is submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the issuance of diplomas.

6.8 All participants of the Olympiad will be awarded with certificates of the participant.


The next Olympiad on the educational program (specialty) - International Law will be held on the basis of the university, the student of which took the first place in the individual championship.


6. Additional information


For all questions, please contact the Olympics coordinator Nysanbekova Lyazzat Begimzhanovna by phone number (Whatsapp): +7 (701) 5553581 or by e-mail address: