Analysis of the Alikhan Bukeikhanov's article "UYAT-AY"


Просмотров: 1935

Probably, you heard about the situation in the beginning of the 20th century, where a majority of the Kazakh intelligentsia were imprisoned. Even if this was one of the tough times, they tried to support each other. One of the brightest examples is Alikhan Bukeikhanov's article "Uyat-ay", which was published in the "Kazakh" newspaper. The main point was to explain that people must struggle for their nation despite of the obstacles and threatens.



🔹️In the article, Alikhan Bukeikhanov mentioned a letter of Lev Tolstoy, which was sent to the newspaper "Russkie Vedomosti". By referring to this letter Alikhan Bukeikhanov shows the loss of the last sign of humanity and the degradation, which took place among people of that time.
🔹️"French writer Zola wrote a novel called "Human beast", as an example of human madness. Here we saw the Balkan war. It is not difficult to understand what happened here without returning to the beast?"-, writes Alikhan Bukeikhanov. It means that the process of degradation happened not only in Kazakhstan or Russia, but also in European countries. However, foreign writers and journalists wrote about it, they spoke out on this issue.


🔹️Alikhan also said that writers like Dostoevsky, Potanin, Korolenko and other intellectuals were imprisoned. They strived for the improvements in the state system and these actions led them to the prison. In Alikhan's opinion, Akhmet Baitursynov and Mirzhakyp Dulatov could be proud of this, since they put wellbeing of their nation to the first place.
In a word, it is better to be in prison, but still stand up for your people, than being free and well-off without any concern about the discrimination on Kazakh nation.


written by: @qymbatmurat