PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Fish Industry and Industrial Fishery


Biology and Biotechnology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1.Conducting a scientific examination of projects, reviews the biological principles, scientific developments, methodological recommendations, written for the sphere of fisheries
2.Аdvises and provides scientific and methodological assistance to specialists in the field of fisheries, private entrepreneurs on all issues of aquaculture, fisheries, ichthyology, hydrobiology.
3.Able to develop a feasibility study for specially protected natural areas (PAS), reserves, developing project documentation for fish-breeding enterprises of various types (lake-commodity economy, industrial economy, closed water supply installations)
4.Develops biological justification in the design of aquaculture enterprises; assists in the preparation of a business plan for fish-breeding enterprises and farms.
5.Develops and adapts bioengineering commodity cultivation of new objects of aquaculture (salmonids, sturgeons, cyprinids, perches). Contributes to the development of genetic and breeding works at the fish-breeding enterprises of the Republic through its own research
6.Manages activities to assess the state of forage resources of water bodies and identifies the degree of consumption of forage organisms and feeding of fish in natural waters and fish farms.
7.Develops project documentation for fish-breeding enterprises of various types (lake-commodity, pond, cage farms, enterprises of industrial fish farming, closed water supply installations).
8.Conducts a comprehensive survey of various types of water bodies (streams, ponds, warm water, etc.) with the conclusion of the suitability of water for various economic needs, including fisheries for hydrochemical and Toxicological indicators
9.Develops evidence-based measures to restore the number of endangered and red book species of aquatic organisms. It takes into account the future aspects of the problems, is responsible for the consequences of management decisions.
10.Reveals the species diversity of ichthyofauna of reservoirs, the features of their formation, finds out and evaluates anthropogenic factors affecting the change of ichthyofauna in reservoirs. Determines the morphological status of the populations of fish and aquatic organisms
11.Able to independently organize, plan and carry out their professional activities; analyzes and processes scientific results with the help of modern computer and digital technologies; publishes the results of research in articles with high impact factor, participates in scientific conferences of international and national importance.
12.Carries out active pedagogical activity in higher education institutions; directs final works of students; is competent to develop educational, standard programs, makes educational and methodical complexes of disciplines, methodical recommendations, writes manuals and manuals
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years