Scientific Projects and Researches

The chair staff takes part in caring out of scientific programs under the fundamental and applied researches. At present the scientific activities are founded by five national projects:

- New effective sorbents and composite materials based on natural nanostructural materials (Program: Development of scientific bases of new technologies and elaboration of perspective materials of various functional assignment) ;

- New approach of calcium polysulfide production – effective and ecological safe substitute of sodium sulfide and properties modificator of various porous materials;

- Elaboration of physic-chemical basics of ecological technology of boric raw materials processing and technological waste to high purity borates of medical dedication;

- New biologically active coordination compounds based on N-containing organic compounds: synthesis and prediction.

The general scientific study entitled as «Scientifico-methodical bases of general and inorganic chemistry education within credit technology at the universities » is being performed (Prof. Nurakhmetov N.N., prof. as. Niazbayeva A.I.). The shelf-study, planning and realization were taken into consideration as major sub-goals.