LECTURE NOTES OF DISCIPLINE “Legal Regulation of Accommodation and Catering Enterprises”

Instructor: Assipova Zhanna Medeuova.


The objective is to form the ability to represent the legal regulation of accommodation and catering enterprises; directions, forms, norms, legislative base in the sphere of hospitality.


During the studying discipline to form the following abilities:   

  • have an idea about specifics of legal regulation of accommodation and catering enterprises, international legal regulation in the field of hospitality, features of legal regulation in the field of hospitality of the Republic of Kazakhstan,regulatory and legal regulation of accommodation and catering in the Republic of Kazakhstan;  
  • qualified operate the basic concepts of the discipline, analyze the experience of legal regulation of accommodation and catering;  
  • work independently with special literature, legislative and legal framework in the field of hospitality;  
  • analyze and interpret legal documentation in hospitality in modern conditions and practical work;  
  • argue and be able to choose regulatory and legal documents in the practice of accommodation and catering enterprises, be able to operate with them;  
  • develop their own skills in resolving disputes in the field of legal relations in the field of hospitality;  
  • to promote the development of society and responsibility in accommodation and catering;  
  • explain the rights and obligations of consumers of accommodation and catering services.  


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