6B02202 Islamic studies

Name of the educational program

6B02202 Islamic studies

Field of education

6B02 Arts and Humanities

Direction of personnel training

6B022 Humanities

Group of educational programs

B033 Religion and theology

EP purpose

In accordance with the guidelines, train specialists in the field of Islamic studies who are capable of theoretical knowledge, able to use scientific information in religious studies and Islamic studies. The program includes the essence of Islam, which has the scientific point of view on the Islamic world's viewpoint, the Islamic view of Islam, the role of Islamic principles, ideas, symbols, institutions and personal experiences in various fields of contemporary society, to create a highly skilled and experienced specialist. Develop a team that is capable of critical thinking, who is attentive to the exchange of ideas and is able to work wisely in relation to actual issues.

Language of education

russian, kazakh

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

  1. To prove scientifically the main concepts of the basic branches of Islamic Studies and to demonstrate their knowledge in practice;
  2. Reading the Holy Quran in accordance with the rules of Tajuid, learning the basic criteria for reading and interpreting verses, free interpreting and mastering of scientific and religious knowledge on Quranic learning;
  3. Identify the truthfulness of the Prophet Muhammad's narratives from the point of reaching them, to use them as sources in religious matters and to make comprehensible interpretation to them;
  4. Analysis of the main values in religion by justification by studying the texts of classical rules in Islamic theology;
  5. Analysis of the historic and current trends of religious movements,
  6. proving socio-legal norms and socio-ethical values based on tolerance to various religious and confessional traditions;
  7. Demonstrate ability to respond adequately to the ideology of the political and religious movements of the society, as well as to demonstrate their ability to analyze their positions in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  8. The use of the main themes of the Islamic Shariah and methods of fiqh mazhabs in explaining modern religious issues;
  9. To apply the knowledge acquired in theory to the study of sacred texts, to study them, to explain religious civilization;
  10. Use of the religious legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the effective implementation of professional qualifications;
  11. Effective use of Islamic tradition, moral and tasauuf teachings in solving social problems, fighting against foreign influences;
  12. The use of theoretical religious knowledge and methods of religious research in practice;

