6B03102 Cultural studies

Name of the educational program

6B03102 Cultural studies

Field of education

6B03 Social sciences, journalism and information

Direction of personnel training

6B031 Social sciences

Group of educational programs

B039 Cultural studies

EP purpose

Qualitative training of specialists in the field of cultural science, capable of using theoretical, scientific information in accordance with methodological guidelines for the analysis of cultural processes in the format of the implementation of educational and scientific programs.

The educational program is aimed at shaping the personality of a specialist with critical thinking; able to analyze and give an objective assessment of socio-cultural facts; to solve professional and theoretical and methodological problems in the field of cultural studies; to evaluate the surrounding reality on the basis of ideological, moral and civil positions; apply theoretical and methodological principles and methods according to the theory, history of world culture, philosophy of culture, national culture in professional activities; to consult in the field of culture; to lead the work in solving actual theoretical and applied problems in the field of culture, capable of engaging in controversy and reasonably presenting their opinions on the problems of modern culture; work in a team.

Language of education

russian, kazakh

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

  1. To analyze the world culture and civilization history development, their cultural genesis and values diversity with the principles and methods of philosophy and theory of culture
  2. Apply the theoretical and methodological base of leading cultural schools and concepts, operating with their key concepts, principles, terms, problems, artifacts, and patterns to develop ways to preserve the cultural code;
  3. To identify similarities and differences in the ways of the modern West and East culture development, including domestic culture, for the implementation of the dialogue program and cultures cooperation;
  4. Assess the formation features of the traditional and contemporary Kazakh, Turkic culture and civilization for the success factor in the Kazakhstan development model in the context of the global and Eurasian historical process;
  5. Explain the reasons and specific historical conditions for the formation of mass and consumer culture, the system of its ethical and aesthetic values, to form their own attitude to the language and text of mass culture (mass literature, cinema, music, advertising);
  6. To evaluate the contemporary culture’s main trends and dynamics on a global, regional, local level, the formation of modern culture, the dialectic of traditions and innovations in the art of modern, the modern art language characteristics;
  7. Analyze, classify, compare information on the main genres, styles, trends in contemporary Western European and Asian art, especially the understanding of beauty in various types of culture, using the principles and research methods;
  8. Conduct an analytical and prognostic examination of media culture, contemporary communication models and channels of their impact on human behavior and value orientation based on axiological and psychological methods;
  9. Objectively evaluate the foundations of various theoretical, methodological approaches to gender, feminist and cultural studies, critically and independently analyze, evaluate violations of gender equality based on the gender policy principles;
  10. To carry out monitoring, examination of subcultural entities in domestic and contemporary Western cultures, based on modern concepts and popular cultural studies, youth culture, to evaluate the youth factor in the dynamics of culture, based on the principles of cultural policy and in working with marginalized groups;
  11. To analyze the contemporary myths formation methods, the manifestations of mythologization in the media, television, in politics, the advent of new rituals in the organizational and corporate culture of modern society with monitoring, examination, case studies.
  12. To draw conclusions and suggestions on solving problems and the practical use of sociocultural research results based on semiotic, ethnographic, ethnological, field methods using modern information technologies;

