Topics of Master's theses 2018



Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies


Master student's full name

Topic of the master's thesis

Scientific supervisor's full name (academic degree, title)

Opponent's full name (place of work, academic degree, title)

Specialty: 6М020700 – Translation Studies


Zhanerke Arystanbek 

Semantic and Stylistic Equivalence of Kazakh and English Translations of O. Suleimenov’s Works


G.K. Kazybek 

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

B. Sultanova

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


Manzura Yerkin 

History and Experience of the Translation of the Kazakh Poetry in the Chinese Language


L.Zh. Mussaly

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor


G.Zh. Praliyeva

Doctor of Philological Science, Chief Researcher


Aigerim Bolat 


Translation Techniques of Dialogues and Monologues into Russian, Kazakh Languages in the Novel by Daniel Defoe «Robinson Crusoe»

A.S. Tarakov 

Doctor of Philological Science, Professor








B. Sultanova

Candidate of Philological Science, senior lecturer

Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


Diana Ryskeldinova 

The Transfer of Cultural Realias in Russian-English Literary Translation


S.D. Seidenova 

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

T.Ye. Karpenko 

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

Ablaikhan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages


Specialty: 6М020700 – Translation Studies 


Liu Jiani

Peculiarities of Phraseological Units Translation from Chinese into Russian

G.S. Sharipova 

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

A. Sholakhova 

Candidate of Philological Science, IT


Yang Yuan

Problems of Translating Diplomatic Texts

A. Baiyeli  

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor

A. Sholakhova 

Candidate of Philological Science

Specialty6М021000 – Foreign Philology 


Rakhiya Toksanbayeva 

Linguistic Features of Social and Political Euphemisms (on the Materials of the British and Kazakh Press)


K.K. Kenzhekhanova

PhD, Acting Professor 

G.B. Shoibekova

Candidate of Philological Science, Associate Professor 

Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


Yenlik Konys 

Gender Stereotypes of Kazakh/English Phraseology

G.Sh. Akimbekova

Candidate of Philological Science, Acting Professor 

A. Sholakhova 

Candidate of Philological Science



A. Iskarina 

Gender Peculiarities of Public Speech

K.K. Kenzhekhanova

PhD, Acting Professor 


A.N. Tairova

Candidate of Philological Science

T.K. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts