International scientific-practical seminar "Methods of reading and studying texts in the Chagatai language"

International scientific-practical seminar  "Methods of reading and studying texts in the Chagatai language"

On October 19-28, 2017, Department of Turksoy and scientific-research center “Written monuments and spiritual heritage” Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University organized an international scientific-practical seminar  "Methods of reading and studying texts in the Chagatai language". The general director of RGP "Gylym Ordasy" B. was invited to the scientific-practical seminar as a special guest of our faculty. К. Toltaev, Director of the Republican Islamic Institute for the Improvement of Imams K. Murzabaev, Professor of the University of the Republic Bilal Yuzhel.


Publication date :  11/16/2020