
The open curatorial lesson: «Love for the Motherland begins with the family»


03.02.2021 « Love for the Motherland begins with the family »

The purpose of the curatorial lesson: patriotic education of the younger generation.

The family is the main social unit of society, in which the foundations of moral, spiritual, cultural, and physical development of a person are laid. In the family, life guidelines and values are formed, as well as attitudes towards oneself, other people and the Motherland. In the family, children receive the first lessons of patriotism. The purpose of the lesson is to form students ' conscious perception of the influence of the family on the development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen-patriot of the Fatherland and is able to successfully perform civic tasks.

The curatorial session was held on the Zoom platform, in the form of a presentation and discussion.

Department of Information Systems


Meeting with employers


Dear 4th years students, we invite you to the conference "Meeting with employers", wich will beheld on January 30 at 11:00

Department of Information Systems


The annual seminar "Schools for Young Teachers"


In order to improve the qualifications of young teachers of the Faculty of Information Technologies, on January 20-22, 2021, the annual seminar "Schools for Young Teachers" was held. This year has also been very active in order to support the teachers' aspirations for self-development and accumulation of experience, as well as the opportunity to conduct internships with a wide range of partners, taking advantage of the winter student holidays.