Work plan

1. General Provisions


1.1. The present regulation on the Academic Student Council has beendeveloped in order to implement the main activities of the Sanaly urpaq ProjectOffice (hereinafter - the Project) under the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstanfor Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption.

1.2 The Academic Student Council is a voluntary association of students inhigher education institutions of Kazakhstan, created to engage student youth in theimplementation of academic goals in higher education institutions and theprocesses of creating a healthy educational and social environment.

2. Goals, tasks and functions of the Council

2.1. The purpose of the student council is to facilitate the formation ofcompetitive youth based on the values ​​of the cult of knowledge, openness ofconsciousness, pragmatism, the principle of zero tolerance for any kind ofdishonest practices.

2.2 The main tasks and functions of the student council are:- widespread promotion in the student community of the principles of academichonesty and the adoption of measures to reduce its violations;- assistance to the university administration in the formation of an open andtransparent educational process;- participation in the quality control of education;- involvement of students in the process of conducting "clean sessions";- initiation of projects and activities aimed at the development of humanconsciousness and anti-corruption culture in the student community;- the development of students' social activity in matters of creating an anti-corruption environment;- Representation of the interests of students in the educational process;- ensuring the implementation of students' rights to participate in the managementof the educational process;- ensuring effective interaction between students and the university administration,providing "feedback" on all facts of violations of educational and corruptionphenomena;- counseling students on issues of academic policy and the educational process;
- informational support for events organized as part of the council’s tasks,including social networks,       

 - the involvement of students in sociological surveys to identify publicopinion of students regarding the effectiveness and quality of the educationalprocess.

2.3 In its activities, the Academic Student Council is guided by the Constitutionof the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory legal acts of the Republic ofKazakhstan, the statutory documents of the educational institution, “Code of honorof the student of KazNU”, “Regulation on the student of KazNU”.

2.4. The Council shall carry out its activities in collaboration with educationalinstitutions and organizations whose activities contribute to the achievement of thegoals and objectives of the Council.

3. Organization of the Academic Student Council     

 3.1 The Regulation on the Council is approved by the Vice-Rector for SocialDevelopment.       

3.2. Coordination of the Council’s activities is assigned to the chairman of theCommittee of Youth Organizations.   

3.3 Members of the Council are elders of student groups and elders of streams.   

3.4 The plans reflect the conduct of calendar events aimed at the formation ofan anti-corruption culture, interaction with public organizations, the authorizedanti-corruption body and other state bodies.

4. The structure of the Academic Student Council: 

4.1 Chairman - the head of the Academic Student Council determines the mainactivities of the council.- the chairman is appointed by the Vice-rector for social development on therecommendation of the Director of the department of educational work.- 3-4 year students and undergraduates with a GPA of at least 3.2 can apply for thepost of chairman of the University Academic Council.- Chairman of the Academic Student Council - Deputy Head of the Committee ofYouth Organizations.

4.2 The Executive Council is the main executive body of the Council. TheExecutive Council consists of chairmen of the faculty academic council and headsof individual sectors.

5. Final Provisions

5.1 The Council exercises its functions in accordance with the directions andpowers established by the Charter of the Project.