open lesson on the topic "Abai-dana, Abai-dara Kazakhta"

In order to express eternal respect and memory to the creator of wonderful works reflecting the life of the Kazakh people, on February 19, 2020, an open lesson on the topic "Abai-dana, Abai-dara Kazakhta" was held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi together with a teacher of the Department of Religious Studies and cultural studies Aizhan Nurkhamitovna and students of the faculty of philosophy and political science.The open lesson was accompanied by a musical greeting, people sang their favorite songs "ізімнің қарасы", "Желісіз түнде жарық ай", the students, taking the initiative, shared their vision of Abay Kunanbaev’s work, various relevant topics that the poet wrote about were discussed, such topics like "Religious views of Abai", "Abai as a composer", "Fundamentals of human education." The event was a success. Pleases the enthusiasm, activity and interest of students.

Publication date :  4/14/2020