Republican round table “Professor M.M. Mukanov and modern psychological science in Kazakhstan dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.M. Mukanov"


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Doctor of Psychology (1980), professor. For fifteen years he headed the republican branch of the USSR OP. He was the editor-in-chief of the annual interuniversity collection "Psychology" (1970-1981). After graduating from the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. AI Herzen and postgraduate studies at KazSU named after S. M. Kirov defended his thesis and for 35 years taught psychology at the universities of Alma-Ata. From 1958 to the last days of his life he worked at the KazPI named after. Abai, since 1968 headed the first department of psychology there in Kazakhstan. Author of over 18 books and textbooks on psychology.  

Scientists, psychologists, teachers, students and undergraduates took part in the round table. Topical problems of modern psychological science were discussed in the context of the ideas of M.M. Mukanov, an exchange of research experience, scientific and applied results of psychological and pedagogical research took place.