Contemporary issues of Kazakh studies


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The leadership of the ANC of the city of Almaty spoke about the importance of this event and actively participated in the discussion of the topics raised at the presentation. Presentations were made by: Head of SANC of Almaty city Nazar Balgimbayev, Director of KSU “Kogamdyk Kelisim” of Almaty city akim apparatus, as well as members of NEG under ANC: Svetlana Ananyeva, Georgy Kan and Bauyrzhan Bozhbanbaev.


Within the framework of the project "The Role and Place of Cultural Monuments in the Modernization of Kazakhstan in the Context of Strategy 2050", a series of books in Kazakh, Russian and English, compiled and written by Professor Gabitov and his colleagues in the department, was presented:

Ғабитов Т.Х. "Қазақ мәдениетінің теориясы мен тарихы" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

Ғабитов Т.Х. "Қазақ этикасының теориясы мен тарихы" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

Т.Х. Ғабитов "Қазақ философиясы" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2019),

Ғабитов Т.Х., Р. Зейнуллин, Е. Осербаев "Қазақстандағы мәдени туризм" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

Алимжанова А.Ш. "Қазақ эстетикасының теориясы мен тарихы" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

Т. Жандаулет "Мемлекеттік идеология және ақпараттық идеологиялық кеңістік" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

Габитов Т.Х. "Казахская культура: теория и история" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020),

T. H. Gabitov "Kazakh Culture challenges" (Алматы: Лантар Трейд, 2020).


In addition to the presentation of books, the project discussed methodological and practical problems of Kazakh studies in the context of global challenges of our time in the following areas:


  1. Actual problems of the history and theory of Kazakh culture and teaching of cultural studies in the system of secondary and higher education
  2. Actual problems of state ideology in Kazakhstan
  3. Actual problems of the history and theory of Kazakh ethics and teaching ethics in the system of secondary and higher education
  4. Actual problems of the history and theory of Kazakh philosophy and teaching of philosophical disciplines in the system of secondary and higher education


At the end of the event, a solemn ceremony of congratulating Professor Gabitov and his colleagues was held; the merits of the lecturers of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies in the development of topical issues not only of Kazakh studies, but also of Kazakh philosophy in general were noted.


Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies