Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Тарих факультеті «Мөнке би» қоғамдық қорының қолдауымен 2022 жылы 8 сәуір күні «Ұлы Дала кемеңгері» Мөңке би Тілеуұлы кітабының тұсаукесу рәсімін оффлайн және онлайн форматта өткізді


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On April 8, 2022, with the support of the Monke bi Public Foundation of the Faculty of History of the Al-Farabi KazNU, the presentation of Monke bi Tileuuly's book "The Figure of the Great Steppe" took place in online and offline formats.
The purpose of the presentations is to show the historical role of Monke bi Tileuuly (1675-1756), as well as to study the activities and contribution to the history of other historical figures of Kazakhstan and especially the western region in our history and discuss conceptual views.
 During the event, on the basis of an interdisciplinary synthesis, the contribution of individuals of the 17th-18th centuries to the history of liberation through their activities was considered. In addition, as a result of new scientific research, the art of healing batyr, orator and kuishi Monke bi, unknown to the people, was considered.
The presentation was attended by leading domestic and foreign historians, philologists, sociologists, representatives of state and public organizations, experts and the media.