
Today, the faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology has 3 chairs.

The Chair of archeology, ethnology and muzeology prepares highly qualified specialists by the specialties "5В020800 - Archeology and Ethnology", "6М020800 - Archeology and Ethnology", "6D020800 - Archeology and Ethnology", "5В041900 – Museum study and  protection of the monuments ", "6М041900 – Museum study and protection of the monuments "," 6D041900 - Museum study and protection of the monuments ", which meet the international standards of education. Teachers of the chair develop scientific projects of national and international importance. At the chair there is an international laboratory "Geoarcheology" that meets the requirements of modern science, which ensures the passage of scientific research practice of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students.

One of the main tasks facing the chair is the improvement of the methodology of teaching methods using new technologies and active forms of teaching. Teachers of the chair in the educational process, while checking the quality of knowledge of students, use modern educational methods, and also apply the results of their scientific research in the educational process.

The Chair of world history, historiography and source studyin accordance with the international standard, prepares qualified specialists in the specialty "5B011400 - History", "6M011400 - History", "5B051500 - Archival Studies, Document Management and Documentation Support", "6M051500 - Archival Studies, Document Management and Documentation Support" , "6D051500 - Archival Studies, Document Management and Documentation Support", "5В091000 - Librarianship". At the chair there is a "Center for the Study of World History", which provides practical training for bachelors, undergraduates and PhD doctoral students.

Teachers of the chair conduct lectures on disciplines History of the Ancient East, History of Greece and Rome, History of the Middle Ages, History of Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages, History of World Religions, History of Political Trends in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, New and Contemporary History of Europe and America, New and the Contemporary history of Asia and Africa, the history of international relations.

In recent years, interdisciplinary elective subjects have been introduced - History of China, History of America, History of World Civilizations, History of Russia and the Soviet State, theoretical and methodological problems of historical science. Within the framework of the exchange program and academic mobility, students, undergraduates and doctoral candidates of the chair pass training at foreign universities.

The Chair of history of Kazakhstanin accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  "about Science", the Government Decrees, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Strategic Plan for the Development of al-Farabi KazNU, the decisions of the Academic Councils of the University and the Faculty provides training for bachelors, masters and PhD-doctors on specialties: «5В020300 - History», «6М020300 - History», «6D020300 - History». The training is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English. For students of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, general courses are taught: Ancient and Medieval History of Kazakhstan, New History of Kazakhstan, History of Soviet Kazakhstan, Elective Courses: Historical Geography of Kazakhstan, History of Ethnocultural Processes in Central Asia, Science and the System of Islamic Education in the History of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, the nomadic empires of Eurasia, the Intellectual History of Kazakhstan, Kliometriya, Historical Psychology, Historical Macrosociology, etc. As well as, the staff of the chair of faculty conducts lectures, seminars and organizes independent works on the discipline "Contemporary History of Kazakhstan" at all non-historical faculties of the university. The educational process for all disciplines is conducted according to the approved standard and curriculum. Every year the teachers of the department update their curriculum, bringing them in line with new requirements and realities of the time, prepare textbooks, teaching aids, workshops, textbooks, publish scientific and methodological articles and methodological recommendations.