Contemporary support of contestants of the Specialists

Contemporary support of contestants of the Specialists

Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre Kazakh National University im. Al-Farabi is responsible for the Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department of Geotechnics at the Institute of Geography of the World. By request at the Institute of Geography of Specialists is based on the latest modern software.
Undergraduate and graduate students of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre will be trained in laboratories at the Institute of Geography. Krom, Togo, specïalïstı okonçïvşïe kafedrw, prïvlekayutsya research institute geografïï: "The problems in the physical and social-ékonomïçeskoy geografïï", "Pa'gi prïrodı and efficient Use", "Geografïçeskïe aspect racïonalnogo Usage vodnıx reswrsov evolution of Kazakhstan", "Estestvennaya ledyanıx pavodkov, snejnogo pokrova and rozbrasyuvaniya. " area and natural beauty of the ancient world ".


Publication date :  3/13/2020