Awards on the eve of the International Women's Day


On March 8, 2021, the chairman of the democratic party "Ak Zhol" Azat Peruashev awarded the doctor of law Sh.A. Zabikh by the the medal "Қазақ республикасының 100 жылдығы құрметіне және «Алаш» ұстанымдары мен ұлттық құндылықтарды жүзеге асыруға қосқан үлесі үшін"

Sholpan Arapbaykyzy has devoted many years to researching the life and work, as well as state and legal views of the leaders of "Alash", including one of the first lawyers, Zhahansha Dosmukhamedov. Scientist Zabikh Sh.A. made a significant contribution to the preservation of the principles and national values ​​of "Alash" as well as the return of the names of great sons to the people. After all, it was the “Alash” figures who were the harbingers of Kazakhstan's independence, and their ideas and views were progressive in nature.

Publication date :  3/12/2021