Open сurator hour on the topic "Algys aitu-paryzym!"

20 February in the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr" students of the 1st year, 5-6 group, Department of meteorology and hydrology held curatorial open lesson on the theme of "Algys aitu-paryzym!".

March 1, Kazakhstan celebrates one of the kindest and bright holidays. This is a celebration of friendship, understanding and harmony, which are so necessary for a peaceful life in a country where more than 130 nations and nationalities live.

The purpose of this event: to be responsive, grateful and generous people, strive for reconciliation, for the bright values ​​of peace and friendship. The open lesson was informative, interesting, one number was replaced by the following, the numbers of amateur performances, poems, songs, dance compositions were prepared, revealing the main meaning and purpose of the holiday.

Organizer: Lecturer, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, U.S. Abirova.

Publication date :  3/2/2019