Сhair history


Meteorology and Hydrology Department was founded in September 2011. Until that time, there were two chairs:

1) Land Hydrology Department was founded in September 1966. The first head of the department 1966-1971 years was Professor Korovin V.I. The first set of students on specialty "Hydrology" graduated in 1963, the first graduation of engineers hydrologists took place in 1968.

2) Meteorology Department was founded on September 1, 1962. The first head of the Meteorology Department was associate professor Kozhenkova Z.P. The first set of students on a specialty "Meteorology" graduated in 1960, the firstgraduation of engineer’ meteorologists took place in 1965.

In connection with the recent structural changes in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University since September 2011 at the Faculty of Geography and Nature management a new department - the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology was organised. It is formed on the basis of the merger of departments of Meteorology and Land hydrology.

Department of Meteorology and Hydrology is the only one in the Republic, provides training for hydrologists and meteorologists specialists.


Professor Korovin V.I.


Associate professor Kozhenkova Z.P.