Representatives of the department took part in the study tour organized by the United Nations Development Program

Representatives of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University as part of the Kazakh delegation took part in the study tour from February 27 to March 4, 2023, organized by the UN Development Program. Representatives of Kazakhstan visited companies engaged in remote sensing of the Earth, the Japan Meteorological Agency, major Japanese manufacturers of technologies and equipment for meteorological services and project teams from academic projects.

The Kazakh delegation was acquainted with the work of colleagues from the Japan Meteorological Agency and modern tools in the field of forecasting, including forecasting signs of drought using various models, the possibility of using Japanese scientific research in the field of satellite data, drought modeling and environmental monitoring. Together with international academic projects on remote sensing of the earth, the possibilities of participation of Al-Farabi KazNU in the SATREPS (Science and technology research partnership for sustainable development) projects were discussed.

The study tour was made possible thanks to UNDP, the support of the Japanese people and the Japanese Embassy in Kazakhstan.

#department of meteorology and hydrology

Publication date :  3/10/2023