“The Cult of a Healthy Body”

The most important treasure of man is health. But few people think that, in addition to a simple greeting, it is also a wish. It is the main condition of human happiness. After all, it is not without reason that popular wisdom says: "In a healthy body there is a healthy mind."

Unfortunately, we do not think about our health while we are young and healthy. But each of us should take care of our own health. If we do not do this, then no doctors will help us. Each person must learn to be responsible for their health.

In this regard, on December 7, the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management within the framework of the project “The Cult of a Healthy Body” organized a trip to the high-mountain sports complex - Medeu.

Medeu is a high-mountain sports complex located in the high-mountain Medeu gorge at an altitude of 1691 meters above sea level, near the “southern capital” of Kazakhstan - Almaty, just below the Shymbulak mountain resort.

The organizers of the event: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Magauova A.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Mynbayeva A.K., undergraduates of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" Aman J., Serikova K.

Publication date :  12/12/2018