School supervisors, advisors
School supervisors, advisors created in order to improve psycho-pedagogical and methodological competence supervisors, advisors of the University.
General provisions
1. School supervisors, advisors (SCA) a structural unit of the innovative educational system of the University. al-Farabi.
2. In its activities, School supervisors, advisors are in accordance with current legislative regulations, the State program of advanced education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020, concepts of educational work, the University statutes, Rules and academic regulations, orders and directives of the Dean's office.
Main tasks and activities of the School supervisors, advisors
The main objectives of the School supervisors, advisors are:
- Improve the theoretical and methodological level of training supervisors, advisors but questions of psychology and pedagogy of educational work.
- Introduce the curators with new educational technologies and modern forms and methods of work with students.
- Development of criteria and indicators for monitoring the work of curators mazerov.
Orientation supervisors, advisors on the transition from fragmentation of educational activities to create a truly humanitarian environment and professional-pedagogical relations.
- Promoting the creation of innovative educational environment of training and education based on educational and psychological consultation.
Functions of School supervisors, advisors:
- Develops scientific-methodical recommendations, manuals on the basic directions of work of curators-advisors.
- Conducts round tables, conferences with the participation of curators.
- Organizes lectures, seminars, workshops, interactive sessions, etc.
- Carries out the presentation of teaching materials.
- Organizes anachis curatorial open hours:
- Organizes consultations for young curators advisors;
- Conducts research on curatorial - advisership activities;
- Develops proposals and recommendations.
On January 9-10, 2020, the School of Advisor Curators, with the support of the Department of Educational Work, held the Tenth Winter Trainings at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (room 120, 122, 126)
Topics of winter trainings of the School of Curators-Advisers:
Art - methods and storytelling in the development of students' personality. Regulation of emotions - trainer doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management Mynbaeva A.K.
Art technologies in organizing educational work at university - associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management Tuleshova U.B.
Conflict literacy: risk groups - lecturer Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Sadvakasova Z.M.
Time: 10:00; 12:00; 14:30
Venue: Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science (room 120, 126)
Within the Winter School young teachers 16 January 2017
in the first hall of the higher school of Economics and business were trained teachers by Department of General and ethnic pedagogic for all faculties of the University:
1) Algozhaeva N. S., candidate of pedagogical Sciences, acting Professor - workshop "Pedagogical skills of the teacher of the higher school"
2) Mukasheva A. B., doctor of pedagogical Sciences, acting Professor: seminar "Organization of seminars with the use of innovative methods and forms of education".
Young teachers demonstrated a high level of interest in improving their teaching skills, motivation for the use of innovations in the educational process.