«Латын әліпбиіне көшу – заман талабы»

on Septembers, 23 within the framework of project "Айналаңды нұрландыр" an event took place on a theme «Латын әліпбиіне көшу – заман талабы».

Event began the words of president Нурсултана Назарбаева, "This process must be realized in a good physical form and well carefully thought out. At the same time, on the basis of the XX century cyrillic alphabet of Kazakh literary and scientific heritage it is needed to remember ...." in development of large fund. and students exchanged the opinions. On this stage a few issues were discussed.

In addition, students read lectures, accordingly, passing to the Roman alphabet effective or no. It marked considers that the aims put within the framework of event.

I        n the end event, teacher of Кырмызы Бакыткалиевна conducted results and taken picture on memory.

Publication date :  11/7/2017