Novel "Menin Әuezovіm" of Z.Kabdolova

Within the framework of "100 kitap" project, on 21 November held an open discussion on the novel "Menin Әuezovіm" which tells about the life M.Auezov. The discussion began Abish Kekіlbaya words, as well as by its presentation robots which set forth in the life and work of the writer. After getting acquainted with the presentation of the work the students have exchanged opinions on the novel. At this point, several issues discussed. We believe that the goal is made about the writer's novel, academician Zeynoly Kabdolov "Menin Әuezovіm".

At the end of the round table, the teacher Kyrmyzy Bakytkalievna conducted and the results were photographed for memory.

Organizers: Professor B. K. Zhumabekova, 3 course specials.

SOC.pedagogics and self-knowledgе

Publication date :  12/10/2016