«Отан қорғаушылар күні»

May 5, 2021 on the Zoom platform in online format, was held an educational hour with 2nd year Russian department students of specialties "Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge", "Pedagogy and Psychology" on the theme "Day of Defender of the Fatherland". May 7 - Day of Defender of the Fatherland of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a holiday that speaks to the fact that an independent country should have its own defense capability. As the famous Kazakh wisdom says "namystangan narkesken khalykpyz, eldiktin nayzasyn yerlikke zhanypyz", heroism is in the blood of every Kazakh. It was said that our citizens, who risked their lives for the Motherland, served their people in the Armed Forces.Organizer: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Education G.M. Akbayeva

Publication date :  5/15/2021