Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice- by Donald Kuratko. - Open lesson within the project 100 new books

At 27 February 2019, at 15:00 p.m. in the 406 room (FFP), a.a. Professor of the Department of sociology and social work Omarova A.T. and the 1st course Ph.D student Aryn D.A. in the framework of teaching practice, together with Master’s students of the 1st course of the specialty “5M090100-Sociology”, listened to an online lecture organized by the “ULTTYQ AY’DARMA BIY’ROSY QOG’AMDYQ QORY” Foundation, created for the implementation of the project “New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new books in the Kazakh language” on the theme - Бизнес-жоспар элементтері және онымен таныстыру.

The online course is based on the book “Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice” by Donald Kuratko.

The book was translated into Kazakh within the framework of the social project “100 books in the Kazakh language” launched after the program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity”.

Publication date :  2/28/2019