Public lecture


MOOC in the discipline of sociology

Sociology / MOOC KazNU named after Al-Farabi (

About the course

The subject of sociology allows you to theoretically comprehend, describe and systematize the social situation of society, collect data from a practical point of view.Society consists of a complex system of social ties and relationships. Such relationships can be based on mutual partnership, cooperation and lead to creation or difficulties under the influence of contradictions and conflict situations. The purpose of sociology is to explain the patterns of formation of various social ties and to show effective ways to resolve disputes. The nature of the formation of social ties and relationships is determined by people's values, attitudes to life, culture, psychology, and how they are formed depends to a certain extent on the social situation. Therefore, studying sociology, we can understand ourselves, the environment in which we live, various groups, their social psychology, culture, what actions we are ready for in various situations.

Course structure

1 week. Sociological science, its object and subject.

2 weeks. Historical formation and development of sociological science.

3 weeks. Types and methods of sociological research

4 weeks. Sociology of the social structure of society.

5 weeks. Sociology of personality

6 weeks. Sociology of the family

7 weeks. Sociology of deviant behavior.

8 weeks. Religion, culture and society.

9 weeks. Sociology of ethnos and nation.

10 weeks. Education and social inequality.

11 weeks. The role of mass media and information technologies in society.

12 weeks. Economics, globalization and labor.

13 weeks. The influence of health and medicine on a healthy lifestyle.

14 weeks. Population, urbanization and social movements.

15 weeks. Directions and prospects of social change.

Academic presentation of the course

Course objectives

     Formation of the ability to master the basics of systematized knowledge about the theory and practice of sociology by analyzing theories, methods, features of conducting sociological research in the social sphere.

Expected learning outcomes

1-LO. Formation of the ability to freely use methods of primary data collection and organization of research based on determining the specifics of sociological research;

2-LO. Justification of the place and features of socialization of the individual and family by summarizing the results related to the social structure of society;

3-LO. To show the importance of social institutions in their regulation and development of public consciousness as a result of the analysis of the conditions of deviation formation;

4-LO. Identify inequalities in the context of globalization and draw sociological conclusions about the impact of the Information Society on their formation;

5-LO. Assessment of their impact on the quality indicators of social health of the population based on the analysis of modernization changes in society, the process of urbanization.

Ten achievement indicators

1.1 AI – Determination of the content and essence of basic sociological categories;

1.2 Explanation of AI – sociological theories;

1.3 Description of the possibilities of types of sociological research, methods of information collection;

2.1 AI-systematization of the class, professional, regional, and demographic structure of society;

2.2 Description of the features of socialization of the individual;

2.3 Ensuring the role and importance of the family as a social institution;

3.1 Identification of deviant behaviors;

3.2 Identification of the role of religion and culture in the formation of cooperation in society;

3.3. Differentiation of changes in AI – ethnosocialization in civil society;

4.1 Determining the impact of AI – education on social inequality;

4.2 Assessment of the capabilities of AI – mass media;

4.3 On the concepts of AI – globalization;

5.1 GIS-preparation of criteria for physical and mental health of the population;

5.2 formulation of achievements and problems of the AI – urbanization process;

5.3 AI-discussion of modernization and innovative changes.Prerequisites and post-requirementsHistory of sociology. Methodology and methods of sociology. Comparative Sociology.

Prerequisites and post-requirements

History of sociology. Methodology and methods of sociology. Comparative Sociology.

Classifier of areas of training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education

6B01 Pedagogical Sciences

6B02 Arts and humanities

6B03 Social Sciences, journalism and information

6B04 Business, Management and law

6B05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

6B06 Information and communication technologies

6B07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

6B08 Agriculture and Bioresources

6B09 Veterinary Medicine

6B10 Healthcare

6B11 Service

6B12 National security and military affairs

Course authors

Abdikerova Gulnapis Orynbasarovna



        Professor of the Department of sociology and social work of the Faculty of philosophy and political science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, graduated from the Faculty of philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1990.Sociology of personality, political sociology and social anthropology, design and modeling of social processes, socialization of the individual in the context of modernization of society, study of the essence of modernization changes in the context of globalization. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, more than 20 textbooks, manuals and dictionaries.In 2018, The Project" New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language", translated from English into Kazakh by George Ritzer, participated as a translator in Jeffrey Stepnitsky's book "Sociological Theory". Also within the framework of this program, in 2020, Marie Connoli became the scientific editor of the book "social work contexts and practice" by Louise harms, Jane Maidment, translated from English."Integration of the higher education system and employers as an important condition for professional mobility of graduates of educational institutions" (2015-2017.) scientific project manager, participant of more than 20 projects of the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public foundations of Almaty.He is the owner of the badge of honor of the 75th and 80th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011), winner of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "best university teacher" (2011).e-mail:

Sadyrova Mansia Sapargalievna

Doctor of sociological sciences, professor


        Doctor of sociological sciences, professor of the Department of sociology and social work of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 1998 on the topic: "social and professional mobility of the intelligentsia of Kazakhstan". He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers on sociology, including 5 monographs, 12 textbooks, and 3 sociological dictionaries. Participated in the 10-volume collection "anthology of World sociology". Winner of the grant "best teacher" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006. He gives lectures in two languages. He makes a significant contribution to the development of sociology in the Kazakh language as an academic discipline and science. In 2004, he was awarded the badge" for his contribution to the development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan". He trained 8 doctors of science, 4 candidates of Science, and 2 PhD Doctors.He has experience in studying the socio-professional mobility of intellectuals, young people, social stratification of Kazakhstan's society, motivational structure of social groups, and problems of educational sociology. "Cultural heritage "(2007-2009)," linguistic socialization of young people "(2006-2009), grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "the role of migration of different nationalities in the formation of the demographic situation of Kazakhstan" (2008), Grant of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan "actual problems of Sociology and political science" grant of Kaz NLU named after Abai (2010); "Scientific treasure", project of the Academy of Sciences (2012-2014). Participant of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" integration of the higher education system and employers as an important condition for the professional mobility of university graduates "(2015-2017); grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" professional potential of young people in the context of the formation of an intellectual nation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a regional sociological study " (2015-2017)-project