“Green Campus” project

In the course of the pedagogical practice, students of the 4th year of the specialty religious studies Bolatkhanov A, Anet M, Abdiev M, Serikbolova A , Ziyakhanov A,. in the school № 19 there is a contest "Teacher of the Year". One part of the contest lasted for 4 months was called "If I was not a teacher, but a gardener." We trainees contributed to this contest and showed the secrets of gardening, different practices and master classes, the care of flowers and the complexity of gardening. This event interested not only teachers but also students and their parents.
Place: №19 school, Rashit and Muslim Abdullin 11

Time: 15:00, 16.02.2018 

Organizer: students of the 4th course of religious studies and Borbasova K.M., Shagyrbayeva M.D, Kusmanov D. B.

Publication date :  2/22/2018