Meeting within the framework of the project «Ainalandy nurlandyr»

October 26, 2017 in the secondary school number 151 among members of the club "Kyz Zhibek" explanatory work on the religious issues was conducted, and also conducted a survey of members of the club.

Place:No. 151Secondary school, Novaya Sadovayastreet, 100-А

Date and time: 12:00, 26th October , 2017

Organizers:Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Kurmanalieva AD, Professors of Department Rysbekova S.S., Professor BorbasovaK.M., Beisenov B.K., Senior Lecturer N.K. Aljanova, 2nd-year doctoral student Yuldashev T.U.

Publication date :  12/13/2017