Educational lesson in the framework of the project "Ainalandy nurlandyr"

On October 4, 2017, in the secondary school No. 45, an educational lesson was held on the theme "A well-educated daughter - a future worthy daughter-in-law and a respected mother".

Place of passage: secondary school №45, Orbita.

Date and time: 10:00, 10/14/2017.

Organizers: the secondary school №45, the teacher of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies, Meyrbayev B.B., professor Kurmanaliyeva A.D., professor Borbassova K.M., professor Rysbekova Sh.S., Master of 2 course Zhorabek Zh. G.

The purpose of the event: the peculiarity and importance of the education of girls, the responsibility for the education of girls, the beauty of the body is clean and discipline.

The event involved pupils 9, 10, 11 class. The main theme of the meeting was the image of a modern girl and her upbringing. The meeting talked about the education of girls in the family, the culture of girls' behavior and the qualities inherent in them. Girls wrote on paper "noble" and "moral" qualities of a person, then described them, answered questions. Also talked about their bad habits, traits and they offered solutions. They discussed the Kazakh proverb "Қызға 40 үйден тыйым". Pupils of the 9th, 10th, 11th grades took an active part in the event, spoke openly of their opinion, and discussed the topic with special interest.

In general, the event was fun and informative.

Publication date :  11/5/2017