"100 kitap". Karl Marx's "Capital"

  April 29, 2016 teachers of the department of philosophy Abdrasilov GZ and Barakbaeva TA within the framework of the program "100 books" organized a discussion on the main work of the founder of the theory of scientific communism, Karl Marx's "Capital" with the students of the second course Chem. faculty.

  Great interest among the participants of discussion have caused the definition of "capital" of the concept, these classical economic theories of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, contemporary American economists William Nordhaus and P.Samulsona, the French economist Jean-Baptiste Say and the English economist John Robinson (capital - is money, securities knowledge, habits , energy, time, people).

  Capital (Latin capitalis - main, dominant, basic) - a set of property used for profit. For classical political economy characterized by identifying any means of labor as physical capital.

Marx considered this approach inaccurate. He did not identify with a particular kind of capital assets. He characterized the term "capital "as " self-expanding value". According to Marx the capital - is a complex of social relations, it turned into a capital of the means of production, a necessary condition for" self-expansion" value.

Publication date :  5/5/2016